- This page will randomly sort players into balanced teams.
- Players from the same level will be randomly assigned to teams needing players before moving to the next level.
- You can think of the "Level" as equivalent to a draft round and/or pool of position players.
- Avoiding player conflicts on a team will take priority over matching buddies.
- Buddies will be paired together on the same team if both players list the other player as a buddy. The names must match exactly.
- Buddies may be broken up after multiple attempts to balance the teams. This is less likely to happen if your last selection level has fewer buddy pairs.
- Click or hover on the icons for more info.
- Nothing on this page is cached or saved to the cloud, so you need to "Export to CSV" to save your roster and options.
- If you have a large player roster, then you may want to export a CSV as a template and edit in a spreadsheet instead of typing it into the website.
- This page is a continuing work in progress as I have free time, so options may change or break without notice. (You get what you pay for)